Start Mini, Go Big

The Biggest Mini Forest is a network of edible and regenerative food forests, based on a standard design module of 2m x 2m (4 m²), planned to produce food for several generations without relying on any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. 

It is a simplified design, created to empower people to implement their own Mini Food Forest, as quickly as possible and with much fewer resources than a larger implementation, and gradually expand the implemented area adding additional plots of 2m x 2m next to it, at their own pace. Learn more.

Join The Biggest Mini Forest

Each Mini Food Forest is learing kit to deal with Climate Change. A jungle that can be our fruit and vegetable shop, our nursery, and our teacher. All of that in a very tiny forest!

They are also an essential part of the network and an important individual step for creating the Biggest Mini Forest.

Contact us to learn how to be part of this movement.

Luís Afonso gives information about the Biggest Mini Forest Method after the implemantation for the Workshop at Sintropia Temperada
Mini Food Forest Workshop at Sintropia Temperada


Sharing knowledge and experiences is fundamental to reaching the best results. So we created a one-day-long workshop where we teach the secrets of combining the Miyawaki Method and Syntropic Agriculture, in a simplified and fast-growing model of a Mini Food Forest. 

Workshop Highlights:


(Since August 2023)


Our partners

Sintropia Temperada's logo
Orchard of Flavours' Logo