
The Faces Behind The Biggest Mini Forest Movement

Luís Afonso

Master's in Renewable Energy Engineering, Specialist in Successional Agroforestry, Miyawaki Forest, Ecosystem Regeneration, and Education for Sustainability. 

Ana Laura Cruz

Master's in Cultural Management and Studies, Bachelor's in Communication, Project Executive Producer, Sustainability Communicator, and Writer. 

Miguel Pereira

Specialist in Online Marketing / Advertising / Copywriting, Geek for all things Agroforestry, Permaculture and Ecosystem Regeneration.

Susana Viçoso

Specialist in gardening and propagation, a dedicated enthusiast of permaculture and the agroforestry movement. 

Ricardo Filipe

Master's in Biomedical Engineering, Education Wizard, specialised in Non-Formal Education and Environmental Education. 


Miguel Cotton

Founder of Orchard of Flavours Botanical Garden. The project, located near Tavira, is dedicated to fruit trees and edible plants of warm climates and is accredited by Botanic Garden Conservation International.